President Deb Mexicotte, Vice-President Christine Stead, CFO Marios Demetriou, and Superintendent Jeanice Swift presented testimony to the Michigan State Board of Education on Tuesday, June 17.
The presentation articulated the difficulties in balancing the AAPS budget over the previous decade and the particular challenges for districts such as Ann Arbor in sustaining a quality educational programs despite dramatic reductions in state funding support. Solutions were offered that could dramatically benefit Ann Arbor Public Schools.
Particular highlights in the presentation include Ann Arbor’s role as an economic hub in attracting families to Michigan, the continued leveraging of Ann Arbor tax dollars to other school districts (AAPS continues as a donor district), and demonstrated the alarming status of student achievement outcomes in Michigan overall.
The presentation can be found at this link:
EdWeek Research Center’s Quality Counts Report, 2014.
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