AAPS and Whitmore Lake Agree to Investigate Annexation

AAPS & Whitmore Lake School Boards meeting at Whitmore Lake High School
AAPS & Whitmore Lake School Boards meeting at Whitmore Lake High School

The Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education and Superintendent Swift are pleased to have met with the Whitmore Lake Public Schools Board of Education and Superintendent Hart to explore partnership opportunities that could potentially benefit the students and communities of Whitmore Lake and Ann Arbor.

On Monday, June 23, 2014 at a joint meeting of the Board of Education’s of the Ann Arbor Public Schools and the Whitmore Lake Public Schools both Boards unanimously agreed to begin dialogue toward determining the feasibility of annexing Whitmore Lake into the Ann Arbor Public Schools. This process will investigate what opportunities may exist for a ‘win-win’ partnership between the two neighboring districts.

President Deb Mexicotte, of the Board of Education for Ann Arbor Public Schools states, “We are so pleased to have been invited to participate in these exciting collaborative opportunities between our neighbor, Whitmore Lake, and Ann Arbor.”

Jim Vibbart, Vice-President of the Board of Education for Whitmore Lake Public Schools states, “We want an excellent, personalized education for our children in Whitmore Lake and we know that Ann Arbor also shares that same vision.”

AAPS & Whitmore Lake Boards agree to explore annexation
AAPS & Whitmore Lake Boards agree to explore annexation

Ann Arbor Superintendent, Dr. Jeanice Swift, points out that partnerships across districts allow for an alignment of the shared vision of exemplary educational programs and personalized learning, consistently offered and preserved in each of our local, neighborhood public schools. Partnerships can also empower districts to achieve improved economies-of-scale which are particularly advantageous within the current reality of diminished resources in state funding. In perpetuating a shared vision of quality education and sharing costs, maximum resources may be more strategically focused in direct support of students, staff, and classrooms.

AAPS looks forward to continuing this exploration of what synergies and shared best thinking may exist in leveraging a shared vision of quality education for our students in pursuit of the very best outcome for both the Ann Arbor and the Whitmore Lake communities.

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