A2 STEAM student illustrates coloring book explaining COVID-19 to children

U-M’s Zero to Thrive prenatal and early childhood initiative releases `Georgie and the Giant Germ’

Maja Rosenblum-Muzik is the illustrator of a new coloring book with a timely topic.

By Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor

A2 STEAM seventh grader Maja Rosenblum-Muzik spends hours every day drawing, painting, and creating.

Now she’s using her artistic talent for a good cause. She has illustrated a free coloring book to help children make sense of the pandemic and their experiences during this time

” I think it is good for little kids to have stories about their own experiences,” says Maja, 12.  “Maybe it will help them feel better because Georgie defeats the germ.” 

“Georgie and the Giant Germ” is published by Zero to Thrive in partnership with Tender Press Books. Soon to be translated into Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, Arabic, and Italian, “Georgie and the Giant Germ” was written by Maja’s mother, Zero to Thrive Co-Director Kate Rosenblum, along with several colleagues.

“We are super proud of Maja,” says Rosenblum, noting that her daughter has shown artistic talent for years.

The coloring book has been getting traction across the health system and locally, but also nationally and even internationally, said Rosenblum, noting that USA Today mentioned it as a “Today’s parenting tool.”

A few of Maja’s illustrations in “Georgie and the Giant Germ”

An example of Maja’s illustrations from her Instagram account.

“Georgie and the Giant Germ” is a follow-up to a coloring book that Maja illustrated a year ago for young children who were separated from their families on the border.

Maja hopes to one day go into commercial art, write a comic book or work on concept design.

She has recently been spending her days playing guitar, watching shows with her sister, going on walks with her dog, and—of course—drawing.

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