41 AAPS students receive scholarships at annual Kiwanis Club event

The scholarship winners posed for a photograph at Monday’s luncheon. They are, front row seated, left to right: Sydney Lee, Dea Chappell, Teaira Majors, Destini Hill, Sarah E. Kennedy, Taryn Curtis and Anna Ihara Kaehr.
Standing, left to right:  Gabi Poll, Beatriz Esquivel, Noah Dworkin, Yuxin Jiang, Tom Kim, Alexa Tran, Brian Andrew Muckstadt, Grace Wissman, Hannah Rubenstein, Breanna McSwain, Jessica Gibbs, Austin P. Copeland, Ariana Janelle Trussen, Chinyerem, Maykandra  Nwaneri, Trevor Miner, Lynsey Kingma, Kareem Shunnar, Ian Dean, Daniel Ernest Taylor, Keyona Bouey, Jack Lehker, Delante  Ridley, Frances Peterson-Sand, Anthony Ellington, Camryn L. Banks, Kayla Kendall, Kevin Knibbs, Jeanice Kerr Swift, Kelset Lamar Nash Jr. Photo by Bob Gray.

By Sean Dalton/ Staff writer, WeLoveAnnArbor.com

This year’s ceremony held Monday saw 41 scholarships awarded from Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor Memorial Scholarships, the Ray & Eleanor Cross Foundation, and a number of individual donors who wished to honor or memorialize someone special to them via a scholarship grant.

 Kiwanian and Ann Arbor State Bank President, CEO, and cofounder Peter Schork led much of the ceremony, and put the honor of receiving a Kiwanis Foundation scholarship into perspective.
“In 1980, I was at the Jolly Tiger (when) I got an award from Dick Turner,” Schork said. “Thirty-seven years later I remember it was $100. You’re going to remember this. You’re going to remember the people here with you today. You’re going to remember your counselors.

“This day doesn’t happen without people in the club. Students, you’re the luckiest people in the world (because) the people in the schools care about you and do a great job.”

Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor Memorial Scholarships

  • Breanna McSwain of Huron High School received the Ralph Hunter Memorial Scholarship.
  • Yea Chappel, Pioneer, received the Ashely H. Clague Memorial Scholarship.
  • Sydney Lee of Community High School received the Rev. Charles W. Carpenter Memorial Scholarship.
  • Destini Hill of Skyline High School received the Rev. Charles Carpenter Memorial Scholarship.
  • Lynsey Kingma, Huron, received the Rev. Charles Carpenter Memorial Scholarship.
  • Beatriz Esquivel, Pioneer, received the Rev. Charles Carpenter Memorial Scholarship.
  • Kelsey Lamar Hash, Jr. of Pathways to Success Academic Campus received the J. Thomas Lovell Memorial Scholarship.
  • Justin Shim, Huron, received the Alan M. Dailey Memorial Scholarship.
  • Kevin Knibbs, Pioneer, received the Donald L. Naylor Memorial Scholarship 

    In association with Ray & Eleanor Cross Foundation Scholarships

  • Chinyerem Maykandra Nwaneri, Huron, received the Letitia Byrd Scholarship.
  • Kareem Shunner, Skyline, received the Kiwanis Business Group Scholarship.
  • Anthony Ellington, Pioneer, received the John & Claire Dahl Scholarship.
  • Keyon a Boney, Pathways, received the Ann Arbor Breakfast Optimists Scholarship.
  • Olabisi Bolante of Washtenaw International High School received the Robyn Menin & Mary Sexton Memorial Scholarship.
  • Noah Dworkin,  Community, received the William R. Lynn Memorial Scholarship.
  • Grace Wissman, Pioneer, received the Rip & Judy Kinney Scholarship.
  • Alexa Tran, Huron, received the Robert & Jeannette Carr Scholarship.
  • Brian Andrew Muckstadt, Pioneer, received the Eugene A. Glysson Memorial Scholarship to pursue a career in engineering at U-M.
  • Ian Dean, Skyline, received the Robert James Barden Sr. Scholarship.
  • Nia Bernice Blair, Pioneer, received the C. Merle Crawford Memorial Scholarship.
  • Gabby Poll, Community, received the Donald D. Kenney Memorial Scholarship.
  • Delate Ridley, Skyline, received the Joan M. Matthews Scholarship.
  • Sarah F. Kennedy, Pioneer, received the Hugh M. Wanty Memorial Scholarship
  • Ann Ihara Kachr, Skyline, received the William V. Hampton Scholarship.
  • Tear Majors, Community, received the Timothy A. Goff Memorial Scholarship.
  • Auxin Jiang, Huron, received the Clarence Dukes, Jr. + Bill & Phyllis Robb Scholarship.
  • Frances Peterson-Sand, Pioneer, received the Fred King Memorial Scholarship.
  • Daniel Ernest Taylor, Skyline, received the Earl W. Shaffer Memorial Scholarship.
  • Camryn L. Banks, Huron, received the Cliff & Ingrid Sheldon Scholarship.
  • Everest Benson, Skyline, received the Kiwanis Business Group Scholarship.
  • Hannah Rubinstein, Community, received the Lavin & Medrano Scholarship.
  • Jessica Gibbs, Skyline, received the Dan & Adrienne Burroughs and Bill & Karen Tasch Scholarship.
  • Tom Kim, Huron, received the James M. Couch Scholarship.
  • Cindy Salazar, Pioneer, received the Mark A. Schark Scholarship.

     The Smith/Gray Scholarships

  • Kayla Kendall, Huron, received the Susan M. Smith & Robert H. Gray Scholarship.
  • Trevor Miner, Skyline, received the Susan M. Smith & Robert H. Gray Scholarship.

    The Burg/Hillenburg Scholarship

Austin P. Copeland, Huron, received the Alan J. Burg & Kenneth L. Hillenburg Scholarship.

The Ray & Eleanor Cross Foundation Memorial Scholarship

  • Taryn Curtis, Pioneer, received the Ray. E Cross Memorial Scholarship to pursue a career in engineering at Michigan Technological University.
  • Sara Souweidane, Washtenaw International High School, received the Eleanor K. Cross Memorial Scholarship to pursue a career in family planning and/or population issues.
  • Ariana Jannelle Trussen, Skyline, received the Gordon R. Doolittle Memorial Scholarship to pursue a career in health care.
  • Jack Lehker, Skyline,  received the Eleanor M. Doolittle Memorial Scholarship.

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