3 questions for: Amie Snapke, RE Place-Based Education

By Jo Mathis/news.a2schools.org

Forsythe Middle School science students are learning there’s a lot going on right in their own back yard—and that they can become good stewards of that land.

Since becoming involved last year in Place-based Education (PBE) last year,  Amie Snapke has introduced her students to ways they can help solve real problems while they learn more about the environment. This means her students occasionally get outside to learn more about the land surrounding their school, and the ways they can be good stewards of it.

Snapke says her students enjoy getting outside and serving as good stewards of the Forsythe campus.
“I would love to see more PBE because there are many benefits for students through authentic learning experiences that connect with our community,” said Snapke, one of several teachers in the district involved with PBE as members of the Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition. “It is also important to get students outside and connected to the environment.”

For more information about PBE, go to Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative or Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition.



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