Red Wings School Assembly Program encourages healthy lifestyles at Northside

The Red Wings School Assembly Program promoted the importance of healthy eating and exercise at Northside on Oct. 7, 2013. It also provided students the opportunity to compete with their teachers.
The Red Wings School Assembly Program promoted the importance of healthy eating and exercise at Northside on Oct. 7, 2013. It also provided students the opportunity to compete with their teachers. Photos by Tara Cavanaugh.

Oct. 11, 2013

By Nicole Martin

This week PE Teacher Rick Dekeon of Northside Elementary enlisted the help of some pretty cool guys to help teach his students the importance of an active lifestyle and healthy eating.

On Monday, Oct. 7, Jim Beuwler, Alina Limbert and Zach Konnie, representatives of the Red Wings School Assembly program, visited Northside. There the three reps had students jumping to their feet with excitement and eagerly shouting out answers to questions about healthy eating habits.

Reps lead the students in jumping jacks.
Reps lead the students in jumping jacks.

“We’ve been trying a lot over the past couple of years to get everyone started with a healthy lifestyle,” Conney said. “Eating the right foods and exercising for at least 60 minutes a days is important. The sooner they start the longer it sticks with them.”

Each student left with his or her own Red Wings folder, filled with a membership to the Red Wings Kids Club and vouchers to attend a free hockey clinic and a Red Wings game.

The Red Wings Foundation also donated a banner to Northside as well as all of the hockey equipment used during the assembly: sticks, pads, helmets and a net.

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