Brainpower rewarded at regionals

Forsythe Thinking Cap Club 7th/8th graders place 4th of 39 schools

The Forsythe Thinking Cap Club 7th/8th grade team took an impressive fourth place out of 39 schools in the recent Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl Lakes Regional.

The Viking Auks scored 1201 out of a perfect 1500.  Longtime rivals from KMO days, Boulan Park Middle School of Troy,  came in first with 1294.  Second place went to Larson Middle School, also of Troy, with 1219.

The competition consisted of 100 multiple-choice questions from all the academic areas, at all levels of difficulty.  The team had one minute to figure out the answer to each question.  The Auks answered 88 questions correctly on the first try and six  more correctly on the second try, leaving only six  questions incorrect.

Coach Dan Ezekiel and Assistant Coach Mike Shaw say it was a good first outing of the year, and believe that, with practice, the team can do even better in the next competition in April.

Thinking Cap Club is a club open to all Forsythe students. Parent Mary Edwards is an assistant.

Thinking Cap 7_8, Nov.2014Seventh grade members of the Forsythe 7th/8th grade Thinking Cap team are: Ellie Andrew-Vaughan; Alana Brunette; Lindsey Choi; Laura Edwards; Hana Eltantawy; Aaron Gankin; Dominic Gatto; Lisette Gold; Zsofia Hull; Shawn Islam; Annika Jaglan; Sloan Keating; Luke Knowles; Isabelle Lenhardt; Samantha Marchand; Olivia McKelvey; Melanie McNamara; Gemma Poulsen; Nikash Prakash; Maria Ramon; Anna Rinvelt; Eeshar Sawhney; Sara Soluk; Wrena Sproat; Mary Stokes; Julia Tsutsui; Oliver Wang; Emily Yang; and Julie Zhou.

Eighth graders include: Adam Austerberry; Max Bayer; Indigo Corvidae; Beatrix Dergis; Ahmad Kady; Keith Kozma; Mallika Kothari; Julian Reinhart; Ben Rinvelt; Aaron VonBargen; Cole Wagner; and Amalia Yoanides.


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