A series of two community budget meetings have been scheduled to discuss the proposed 2010-11 budget for The Ann Arbor Public Schools. Members of the community are invited to attend these meetings. The new fiscal year begins July 1 for the district. The Ann Arbor Board of Education must adopt a balanced budget by June 30, 2010.
• What: Discussions about The Ann Arbor Public Schools 2010-11 budget proposals.
• Meetings are scheduled for 6:30 p.m. at these locations:
Monday, April 12 at Pioneer High School’s Little Theater, 601 W. Stadium Blvd.
Tuesday, April 13 at Huron High School’s Little Theater, 2727 Fuller.
PTO invites residents to advocate for schools
The Ann Arbor Public Schools PTO Council has formed an Advocacy Committee to educate legislators and the public about the severity of the current school funding situation. Interested parents, community members and staff can become part of the effort. Contact Donna Lasinski at lasinski@mac.com or call her at 734-997-7265. Visit the PTO online: www.aaps.k12.mi.us/ptoc.home.