Kim Lyon, Eberwhite Office Professional

Kim Lyon started at Eberwhite Elementary as a lunchroom supervisor when her daughter was in elementary school. She moved into the office as the teacher clerk for a few years before becoming the office professional in 2015 when the previous O.P. retired. Lyon and her husband, Mark, live in Ann Arbor and have one daughter, Alexa, who will graduate from the University of Michigan this spring.

Eberwhite Principal Michelle Hubbard says that the main office at Eberwhite shines because of the dedication and compassion Lyon shows every day.

“Every student, staff member or parent who encounters Mrs. Lyon is treated with respect and a genuine sense of kindness and care,” says Hubbard.  “She is the heart of the building and we could not ask for a better representative for the family we have at Eberwhite.”

Can you describe a typical day and the various duties you handle as the principal’s assistant? 
Wow, there are many duties/jobs that I handle on a daily basis from greeting students and families throughout the day, attendance, enrollment,  managing the building’s daily sub needs, building needs and repair tickets, helping sick and injured students, assisting teachers with their needs as well as students who might need a little extra help—to name a few! 

What are some of the key ways you support Principal Michelle Hubbard in managing the school efficiently?
Making sure that any building staff absences are filled on a daily basis is my first priority. I check it in the evenings and every morning.

What’s your favorite part of the workday? 
My interactions with students and staff.

What would surprise people about your job?

How busy the office can be and the amount of multitasking that needs to be done. 

What do you most enjoy about working at Eberwhite? 
Working with the best boss and staff around!  We are an Eberwhite family.  Seeing the students and parents that I interact with every day and over the years makes it a great place to work.       

How do you spend your summers?
I love being outside, enjoying my backyard, walking,  traveling, and playing pickleball.  This summer will be spent moving our daughter to Denver, Colorado, where she will be starting her first job after college. 

What’s a fact about you that would surprise even those who know you fairly well?
My parents were born and raised in Germany before immigrating to the U.S., so I still have family there whom I love to visit. And I do speak German. 

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