Huron High School Commencement 2024

417 Celebrated At Huron's 56th Commencement Ceremony

Huron High School celebrated the 417 graduates in the class of 2024 on Wednesday, June 5th at the George Gervin GameAbove Center at Eastern Michigan University.

Principal Che Carter encouraged the graduates to take the first step no matter how arduous or challenging a task may seem. He said the team at Huron, their families and classmates have prepared the class of 2024 to be the best version of themselves and take on hard things. “Challenge yourself to do hard better, don’t look for the easy way out,” Carter said. “You possess a deep knowledge, you’re well versed in individual capacities and in all endeavors stay fully immersed and you’ve had practice because Huron prepared you first.”

Gabriella Mayrend gave the class message, highlighting the challenges they overcame with starting high school in the midst of the COVID pandemic. She also shared a personal story of finding her passion in auto tech classes and drag racing even though she didn’t know anything about either when she started. Mayrend called on her classmates to step outside of their comfort zone going forward. “Try new things, do something difficult and let us carry with us the values that have guided us; integrity, perseverance and a commitment to excellence,” Mayrend said. “Let us embrace the changes and challenges that lie ahead with courage and conviction, knowing we have the knowledge, skills and determination to succeed.”

Paraprofessional Bruce Popejoy giving Commencement Address at a podium.
Principal Che Carter standing between River Rat Ears on Ahmed Abdelmoumene and the tail on Julia Zhu.

The class of 2024 selected paraprofessional Bruce Popejoy to give the Commencement Address. Popejoy shared how he moved along with many of the graduates from Allen Elementary to Tappan Middle School and then to Huron over the last eight years. Popejoy has been in their classrooms and hallways and watched them grow. “I have seen you blossom into great young adults,” He said. “Some of you still need an alarm, you need a pause and amuse button and every now and then a piece of chocolate. You will go far. The teachers over the years have given you a great path for success. You just need to stay on that path whatever it is; college, trade school, the military, a gap year or just going out finding a job.”

Several special recognitions were presented to graduates during the ceremony. Former Huron Principals Dr. Joetta Mial and Dr. Arthur Williams were on hand to present their awards.

Paul K. Meyers Award – Arav Bhojani and Sonya Shelgikar

University of Michigan Citizenship Award – Brendan Hish and Sarah Conley

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Award – John Verga and Qaurtney Jackson

Dr. Joetta Mial Understanding and Sharing Diversity Award – Jack Regan and Sri Tharika Jothipuram Jayakumar

Charles Baird Humanitarian Award – Keshav Patcheak and Lorelai Sell

Dr. Arthur L. Williams Integrity Award – Lucas Weintraub and Gabriella Mayrend

You can watch CTN’s complete broadcast of the graduation ceremony here. Check out more photos from the event on the Ann Arbor Public Schools Facebook page.

Former Huron Principal Dr. Joetta Mial stands between Jack Regan and Sri Tharika Jothipuram Jayakumar
Former Huron Principal Dr. Arthur Williams stands between Lucas Weintraub and Gabriella Mayrend
Members of the Huron Class of 2024 throw their caps into the air at the end of the cereomy.
Four Huron grads in caps and gowns before the ceremony.
Six male Huron grads in caps and gowns before the ceremony begins.
Three female Huron grads before the ceremony in their caps and gowns.
A Huron teacher hugs a pair of grads at the end of the ceremony.
A pair of Huron grads and a Huron teacher outside after the ceremony.

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