By Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor
Today’s annual Carpenter Fun Run is the school’s largest fundraiser ever.
This is the first Carpenter fundraiser that will include 100 percent participation from all of our students and all of our staff members all in an effort to make sure that our teachers and students have all the resources they need, said Principal Michael Johnson.
Speaking for her fellow Carpenter parents, Veronica Shah took a break from running the field to explain that the Fun Run is parent-run.
“And all of our donations go directly to field trips, classroom supplies, and anything that can directly benefit our kids,” she said.
Every year, Johnson pledges to do something a bit outrageous if the goal is met.
“The kids get all into it and get very energized about it,” said Johnson. “In years past, I’ve been slimed. I’ve been taped to a wall. I’ve kissed a pig. But this year is fun. If we collect $15,000 or more, I will spend the night on the roof. We can do it. Because we are family.”
“If we can go above and beyond and hit $20,000,” Shah added, “he will be only allowed a sleeping bag on his overnight camp out.”
So far, about $8,000 has been raised.
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