Burns Park students get a behind-the-scenes look at Monday’s campaign rally preparations

On Monday, October 28 the Harris/Walz campaign visited Ann Arbor and held a rally at the City of Ann Arbor’s Burns Park. Adjacent to the park is Burns Park Elementary School. Students and staff got to experience up close how a national political campaign rally is constructed basically over a weekend to host more than 10,000 attendees.

The Ann Arbor Public Schools worked closely with the City, the campaign, and the U.S. Secret Service to ensure the safety of students and staff. This required an early release for Burns Park Elementary but before the release, 4th and 5th grade students were taken on a tour of the campaign site and able to ask questions about how a political campaign rally is constructed.

The Burns Park students asked insightful questions such as how are the candidates kept safe, and who was expected at the rally. The Harris/Walz campaign team answered their questions and were generous in their time during the hectic preparations for the evening rally. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many students and staff to see behind the scenes of a national political campaign rally.

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