Big Lots donates $2,500 to Lawton Elementary

The grand opening of the Big Lots on Lohr Road Friday morning featured balloons, a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and a sizable donation to Lawton Elementary.

“Before we open the doors, I’d like to take the opportunity to donate to the community,” said Diane Kimmel, a Big Lots district manager, before presenting Lawton with a $2,500 check.

“I’m very pleased to accept this wonderful donation on behalf of the Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education and Lawton Elementary,” said Christine Stead, BOE vice president.

Stead motioned to the several Lawton teachers who gathered at the event. “These are the folks who teach our kids in our community. We’re so honored by their hard work. Thank you so much for this wonderful donation.”

Lawton teachers Laurie Moore, Jennifer Szalay, Kerry Krause, Susan Baily and Donna Kolokithas showed gratitude for the donation Friday morning with BOE Vice President Christine Stead.

Members of the Ann Arbor / Ypsilanti Regional Chamber of Commerce also welcomed Big Lots.

“Obviously in this economy everyone is looking for the most cost-effective way to do everyday things,” said Diane Keller, president of the chamber. “Thank you for your contributions, your job creation, your energy and the values that you represent.

The discount store, which fills the space of the former Borders book store, sells home goods, holiday items, groceries, toiletries, toys and electronics.

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