Ann Arbor Open third grader creates design selected for Mott fundraiser

Ann Arbor Open third grader Žiema Fuson created the design chosen for the Save a Heart T-shirt fundraiser for the Congenital Heart Center (CHC) at the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital campaign.
The campaign raises awareness about congenital heart defects in the month of February—American Heart Month. Proceeds from this T-shirt sale will benefit the CHC, helping to advance research, drive clinical innovation, and provide much-needed assistance to patients and families facing challenging cardiac diagnoses.
Žiema was diagnosed at birth with a congenital heart defect and was a patient of the CHC for treatment and monitoring. The daughter of Daina and Brad Fuson, Žiema is pictured here with her dog, Rex, wearing the T-shirt she designed.

Click here to buy merchandise to support the cause. Proceeds from this T-shirt sale will benefit the CHC, helping to advance research, drive clinical innovation, and provide much-needed assistance to patients and families facing challenging cardiac diagnoses.

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