A2 STEAM Heroes!

A2 STEAM Hereos

We are so proud of three A2 STEAM students this week! On their way to school James, Arthur and Jamar were walking along Pontiac Trail at Barton when they came upon a car accident and decided they needed to help! They called 911 to report the crash. Due to this very responsible action the police were able to arrive quickly and help those involved in this accident.

The character these young men exhibited truly represents the culture that we are building at A2 STEAM and throughout the Ann Arbor Public School district!

Ann Arbor Police Community Liaison Officer Tom Hickey came to A2 STEAM on the same day to honor the boys and award each of them with police badges.  Officer Hickey and the A2 STEAM staff all congratulation these students on their goodness, helpfulness and leadership! They are true A2 STEAM Heroes!

A2STEAM Hereos

A2 STEAM HereosA2 STEAM Hereos

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