Ann Arbor Public Schools announces Elementary Support Staff Virtual Job Fair/Interview Sign-Up 2023


Ann Arbor Public Schools announces Elementary Support Staff Virtual Job Fair/Interview Sign-Up 2023.

When: Thursday, July 13, 2023, from 9 a.m. to noon (15-minute appointments) via Zoom.

Sign-ups will be accepted through Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 4 p.m. Zoom invitations will be extended that afternoon.

We will be interviewing for Teacher Assistants & Noon Hour Supervisors. Please be on the lookout for follow-up communication with a Zoom link and interview time on the morning of Thursday, July 13th.

To register:

If you don’t already have an application on file with AAPS, apply here.

Participating schools: Mitchell, Lakewood, Bryant, Haisley, Carpenter, Ann Arbor Open, Burns Park, Wines, Allen, Dicken, Westerman Preschool.

This will be an interview, so please dress appropriately. We are excited to have you interested in AAPS.

For additional information, contact our team at:

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