Ann Arbor Academic Games participants excel at 2023 national tournament in Orlando

Team “We Devour” won the overall award for best team in the senior division

Ann Arbor Academic Games traveled to Orlando, Florida for the Academic Games League of America’s National Tournament last month, and returned with many trophies.

Participants included 38 students from King Elementary, Clague Middle School, and Huron, Skyline, Pioneer and Community high schools.  As a local non-profit, Ann Arbor Academic Games also welcomed to its teams two Greenhills students, and one previous Huron student who now attends University Hill Secondary in Vancouver. 

Students form five-player teams and play games in elementary (6th grade and under), middle (8th grade and under), junior (10th grade and under) and senior (12th grade and under) divisions.  

Ann Arbor Teams brought home National Championships in Equations (math), Linguishtik (grammar), On Sets (set theory), and Theme (history).  They also competed in Presidents (history), Propaganda (language) and Current Events. For the first time, Ann Arbor teams in every division won the Sweepstakes Championship (best overall team) for getting the best placements in four games, including one each from multiple categories in math, english, and social studies.  

In addition to being Senior Division Sweepstakes Champion, the entire “We Devour” team (David Lee, Alfredo Meza, Simon Shavit, Jennifer Tang, and Simon Shavit) along with Ryan Chen and Mason Holst from “We Stay Hungry” were honored as being in the top 10 individuals in their division. 

Junior Division Sweepstakes team winner, “One Jennifer Short” included top 10 winners Rogan Geyer, Jayeun Lee, Jessica Wu and Andy Xu as well as Lucas Long, who was in the top 20. 

High School Coach Nick Wang, a Huron High alumnus, won Outstanding Educator while seniors Tony Varkey and David Lee both won Outstanding Senior awards.  

“Gouda Than You” from Clague was named the middle division Sweepstakes Champion, with teammates Angela Chen, Caleb Lee, Tarun Iyer, Thomas Wang, and Katherine Zhou being in the top 12 individuals in their division.  

Junior Division team “One Jennifer Short” Rogan Geyer, Jayeun Lee, Lucas Long, Jessica Wu, and Andy Xu

A huge round of applause went to King Elementary students Jaeyoung Lee, Priyam Chowdhury, Vihaan Sharma, Siddarth Nochur Sivaramakrishnan, and Kate Wang as their team “Iconic” won first place in Sweepstakes, beating older students to this prestigious title. 

The top 10 individuals in the elementary division included King students Vihaan Sharma, Kate Wang, Priyam Chowdhury, and middle school students Arjun Iyer and Benjamin Wang from Clague Middle School and Varick Chen from Greenhills School.   

Complete results are available here.

The entire Ann Arbor AG contingent just before the awards ceremony.

Congratulations to all of the Ann Arbor Academic Games students on their amazing performance in Orlando!

2023 Academic Games National Tournament Full Results for Ann Arbor participants:

Senior Division (12th grade and under)

We Devour

David Lee – Skyline

Jennifer Tang – Huron

Simon Shavit – Community

Anthony Varkey – Huron

Alfredo Meza – University Hill Secondary (Vancouver, BC), previous Huron student

We Stay Hungry

David Chen – Skyline

Ryan Chen – Pioneer

Bruno Garcia – Pioneer

Aakash Gopal – Huron

Mason Holst – Pioneer

Team awards:

We Devour

1st place – Sweepstakes (overall), Linguishtik, Equations, Theme

2nd place – OnSets

3rd place – Presidents

We Stay Hungry

2nd place Linguishtik

3rd place Sweepstakes (overall)

Honorable mention (4th place) OnSets, Equations, Propaganda

Individual awards:  

David Chen – 3rd place Propaganda

Ryan Chen – 3rd place Sweepstakes & OnSets, Honorable mention Propaganda

David Lee – 3rd Ling, Honorable mention Theme, 8th Sweepstakes, 

Mason Holst – 9th place Sweepstakes, Honorable mention Propaganda & Theme

Alfredo Meza – 1st Linguishtik, 2nd Equations, 5th Sweepstakes, 

Simon Shavit – 1st place Equations, 10th place Sweepstakes

Tony Varkey – 1st Sweepstakes & Propaganda, 2nd place Linguishtik, Honorable Mention President & Theme, Undefeated Equations

Jennifer Tang – 4th Sweepstakes, Honorable mention Theme

Junior Division (10th grade and under):

One Jennifer Short

Rogan Geyer – Huron

Jayeun Lee – Huron

Lucas Long – Huron

Jessica Wu – Huron

Andy Xu – Huron

Jeffrey Wang – Skyline (played as an individual)

Team Awards:

One Jennifer Short

1st place – Sweepstakes (overall), OnSets, Theme

2nd place – Linguishtik, Propaganda

Individual awards:

Rogan Geyer –  3rd Theme, 10th place Sweepstakes 

Jayeun Lee – 2nd Linguishtik, Honorable Mention Propaganda, 8th place Sweepstakes

Lucas Long – Honorable Mention Current Events

Jessica Wu – 1st place Linguishtik, 2nd place OnSets, 3rd place Propaganda, 6th place Sweepstakes

Andy Xu – 2nd place Theme, Undefeated Linguishtik, 4th place Sweepstakes, 

Middle Division (8th grade and under):

Gouda Than You

Angela Chen – Clague

Tarun Iyer – Clague

Caleb Lee – Clague

Thomas Wang – Clague

Katherine Zhou – Clague

Yeet the Cheese

Ethan Chen – Clague

Izzy Choi – Clague

Chloe Kim – Clague

Natalie Lu – Clague

Joell Sathe – Clague

The Curd Nerds

Allen Bai – Clague

Gyurin Hwang – Clague

Amogh Velivela – Clague

Liya Zhang – Clague

Sophia Zheng – Clague

Team Awards:

Gouda than You

1st place – Sweepstakes (overall)

2nd place – Linguishtik, On-Sets

3rd Place – Presidents

Honorable Mention – Equations

Yeet the Cheese

Honorable Mention – Linguishtik

Individual Awards:

Angela Chen –  1st place Sweepstakes (overall), Honorable Mention Presidents, Undefeated   Linguishtik, Undefeated On-Sets 

Ethan Chen – Undefeated Equations

Tarun Iyer – 2nd place Linguishtik, 2nd Place On-Sets, 3rd place Sweepstakes

Chloe Kim – Honorable Mention Propaganda

Caleb Lee – Undefeated Equations, 8th place Sweepstakes

Thomas Wang – 1st Place Presidents, 2nd place Sweepstakes, Undefeated Linguishtik

Elementary Division (6th grade and under):

Nacho Average Team

Varick Chen – Greenhills

Andy He – Clague

Arjun Iyer – Clague

Nilshan Jayasundera – Greenhills

Benjamin Wang – Clague

“Nacho Average Team” with Benjamin Wang, Nilshan Jayasundera, Arjun Iyer, Varick Chen, and Andy He


Priyam Chowdhury – King

Jaeyoung Lee – King

Vihaan Sharma – King

Siddharth Sivaramakrishnan – King

Kate Wang – King

Team Awards:


1st place – Sweepstakes (overall), Linguishtik

2nd place – Presidents, On-Sets

3rd Place – Equations

Honorable Mention – Propaganda

Nacho Average Team

1st Place – Equations, On-Sets

3rd Place – Linguishtik, Sweepstakes (overall)

Honorable Mention – Presidents

“Iconic” team: Kate Wang, Jaeyoung Lee, Siddhartha Sivaramakrishnan, Priyanka Chowdhury, and Vihaan Sharma.

Individual Awards:

Varick Chen – 4th place Sweepstakes, Honorable Mention Presidents, Undefeated Equations, Undefeated Linguishtik

Priyam Chowdhury – 8th place Sweepstakes, Undefeated Equations, Undefeated Linguishtik

Arjun Iyer – 5th place Sweepstakes, Undefeated Equations, Undefeated Linguishtik, Undefeated On-Sets

Nilshan Jayasundera – Honorable Mention Propaganda

Jaeyoung Lee – Undefeated Linguishtik

Vihaan Sharma – 2nd place Sweepstakes, Honorable Mention Presidents, Undefeated Equations

Siddharth Sivaramakrishnan – Undefeated Linguishtik

Benjamin Wang – Honorable Mention Presidents, 10th place Sweepstakes

Kate Wang – Honorable Mention Presidents, 6th place Sweepstakes, Undefeated Linguishtik

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