Community High students take A2 STEAM first graders on a Black history walking tour of the Kerrytown neighborhood

By Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor

Dodging puddles here and there, Community High students took A2 STEAM first graders on a Black history walking tour around Kerrytown Thursday.  The field trip was a collaboration among educators and projects at A2 STEAM, at CHS—with its 100th anniversary of Jones School—and within the social studies department.

The trip to CHS will provide the first graders with an example of a “walking tour” so that they can later construct their own walking tour of their school building that will feature STEAM’s history, said Jared Aumen, the district’s social studies department chair for grades 6-12.

Community social studies teacher Joselyn Hunscher-Young said she was excited that STEAM first grade teachers wanted to participate in such a project.

“I think it’s a really wonderful opportunity to have our students working together and learning from each other,” she said. “And there’s just so much local history that we can dive into at all levels, that I think this is a really amazing opportunity for our district to start that process and think about how do we do this at a district-wide level?”

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