From AAPSNews Service
Officials from the Ann Arbor Public Schools Educational Foundation are offering a million thanks to the Ann Arbor community for its giving to the recent “One Million Reasons” fundraising campaign.
The campaign raised nearly $327,000 in 500 donations and another $50,000 in challenge gift funds are expected to be received, according to a note sent to supporters from Wendy Correll, executive director. Money from the campaign will be used to fund programs in The Ann Arbor Public Schools.
Correll said due to some glitches on the AAPSEF donation page, the nonprofit foundation has extended the campaign giving to the end of August. Visit Contributions made after Aug. 31 will be designated to the AAPSEF’s general fund, she said.
“This campaign garnered AAPSEF new supporters, created awareness of the need for funding innovative programs in the Ann Arbor Public Schools, and engaged the broader community in conversations about expectations around quality in public education,” Correll said in her note. ” You should be proud of the many ways our community (you!) responded to our ambitious goal.”
Correll noted that “all donor wishes for their gifts will be honored” and said the AAPSEF would report back to the community about how the money is allocated.
Teacher grant applications are currently being accepted by the AAPSEF. Deadline for submitting applications is 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 1. Teachers should visit and click on the header “For Teachers” to find the application.