From AAPSNews Service
Members of the Skyline High School Women’s Swimming Team have been busy this fall, volunteering time for two good causes.

Team members spent their day off reading to the Young 5s and kindergarten classes at Abbot Elementary School where they were welcomed by teachers Sarah Bradley and Carol DeKeyzer and their students. The event went swimmingly: The student athletes have been invited back after the Young 5s have completed the stories they are now writing.
The second annual Skyline-Pioneer Swim-for-the Cure also took place in recent weeks. Each year the athletes spend the week prior to the swim meet learning about breast cancer and sharing their experiences with the disease.

This year the team honored Pioneer senior Hannah Maxbauer’s mother, Jan Maxbauer, who is being treated for breast cancer.
This was submitted by Maureen Isaac, Women’s Swimming Team coach at Skyline High School.