Pathways’ annual Postsecondary Fair highlights a few of the many options available after high school

Story, photos and video by Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor

The information flowed in the commons of the Pathways to Success Academic Campus at Thursday’s fourth annual Postsecondary Fair.

Counselor Marissa Bailey-Johnson explained that the goal behind the annual event is to expose students to colleges and various career opportunities.

“Through the exposure to different people in our community, they are able to see that there are tons of jobs and tons of careers that are available to them once they finish high school or college,” she said.

Staff Sergeant Nicholas Benoit tells students why the U.S. Army has been a great career for the past nine years.

Eastern Michigan University representative Matthew Kusmack said he was eager to answer any questions students might have about the campus less than six miles east of Pathways.

“EMU is really close; it’s accessible, and we want to include everyone in any programs they might be interested in and take part in any activities they’d like to do,” he said.

It was Ann Arbor Police Sergeant Corey Mills’ third Post-secondary Fair.

“I think this is an important event that we need to be part of as a police department,” said Mills, who leads the AAPD’s Community Engagement division, “to show kids that they can have a career in law enforcement and that it’s a very satisfying and rewarding career.”

EMU representative Matthew Kusmack talks to students about the university.
AAPD Sergeant Corey Mills talks to Pathways students at the Post-secondary Fair Thursday.


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