Little libraries growing bigger thanks to Allen teacher’s assistant

Donations of used or new children’s books are welcome

This little library is in front of Cara Crisostomo’s house on Easy Street.

By Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor

Allen Elementary teacher’s assistant Cara Crisostomo wanted to be sure students have regular access to physical books while doing virtual learning.

So she put the word out that children’s books are welcome on her front porch, which she in turn takes to little libraries in Allen neighborhoods.

“When we’re in the building we have classroom books, library books, and a free book cart where parents and staff members donate books,” says Crisostomo. “Since we don’t currently have access to those, I thought of using the little libraries in the neighborhood surrounding Allen, zoned neighborhoods for Allen, and some other locations in Ypsilanti where I know we have Allen students and students from other AAPS schools.  This way, students can regularly get new books in a safe manner.”

She’s received hundreds of books from Allen parens and staff, as well as some other community members.

“Donations of kids’ books are always welcome, so I can keep restocking the little libraries regularly,” she says. “If I get more donations I can also branch out to stocking little libraries in other AAPS school neighborhoods”

Donations fill the little library in the 1200 block of Holmes Road in Ypsilanti

To arrange safe donations on her porch on Easy Street, or to suggest more little libraries to stack, contact her at

 A little library in the 3200 block of Braeburn Circle is fully stocked.

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