Angell and Wines Elementary Schools receive 2015 National Blue Ribbon Awards

By Andrew Cluley

Communications Specialist

Angell Principal Gary Court and teacher, Tom Yaeger, Wines Principal Dr. David DeYoung and teacher Angela Black, accompanied by Superintendent Jeanice Swift and Dawn Linden, Executive Director of Elementary Education, received National Blue Ribbon School Awards in a ceremony hosted by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education John King.

Angell and Wines are among 335 schools nationally this year to be awarded the prestigious Blue Ribbon Award; the schools were among 13 schools from Michigan to receive the designation for their overall academic excellence and progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups as measured by their performance on state assessments. Angell and Wines Elementary Schools demonstrate that all students can achieve at high levels. During the ceremony, the Deputy Secretary challenged the award-winning school teams to leverage their award to make a positive impact back in their home communities.

“We are very honored that the quality work of our Angell and Wines school teams has been recognized with this prestigious national award,” said Dr. Swift. “This is the second year running that Ann Arbor Public Schools has been honored with the National Blue Ribbon award and we are extremely proud of the staff, students, parents and all the community members who support Angell and Wines Elementary Schools.” In addition to receiving the award today, this event provided an opportunity for the representatives from both schools to learn from and network with other school teams from across the country who have also achieved the distinction.

In 2014, King Elementary was one of eight schools in Michigan that were recognized. Huron High School was honored during the 1983-84 school year.

The Wines Elementary community will celebrate in a Blue Ribbon Award ceremony at the school on Thursday, November 19th, at 2:00 pm. Angell Elementary students, staff, and families will celebrate in a Blue Ribbon Award ceremony on Friday, November 20, also at 2:00 pm.

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